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Best Ceiling Hoist for Your Project


All you need to know to choose Ceiling Hoists with our latest article- Best Ceiling Hoist for Your Project

If you have a project on the horizon where Ceiling Hoist or Overhead Hoist provisions are required, it can be a confusing enterprise deciding which is right for the given environment. The Best Ceiling Hoist for Your Project is a quick guide designed to breakdown the different types of Ceiling Hoists available and where they can work best.

The Fixed Hoists

OT200 Compact Ceiling Hoist

A compact fixed Ceiling Hoist is the superlative type for any project. It offers a permanent solution for transferring in both domestic and commercial environments, as well as being the most straight-forward and aesthetic option. The Fixed Hoist is the optimum solution, suited where hoisting will be regularly needed, for example, in a Private Home, Nursing / Care Home, Hospital or Changing Places toilet. The hoist motor is out of the way, and with a hybrid system takes away the worry of the hoist requiring charging.

A Permanent Hoist is preferable in other public multi-use environments – such as Community Hygiene Rooms, Parks and Attractions – as a fixed hoist poses less risk of being taken or moved ensuring there is an available hoist when someone visits.

The Portable Hoist

Monarch Portable Ceiling Hoist

The Monarch Portable Hoist is suitable for situations where hoisting is not required all the time, or multi-room use is required on a budget. It can be affixed to permanent tracking or to a Gantry System, which acts as a portable tracking system where a permanent track isn’t feasible (e.g. historic listed buildings).Using a Portable Hoist with a permanent track is the perfect solution for those who are budget conscious; track systems can be installed wherever hoisting is needed, and a Monarch can be shared between them.

A track system with a Portable Hoist gives the opportunity to offer users equal access to facilities whether they be Nursing Homes, Hygiene and Changing Rooms in Leisure Centres, Schools and attractions.

The Removable Fixed Hoist

OT200R Ceiling Hoist

The OT200R Removable Ceiling Hoist is our unique removable semi-permanent Ceiling Hoist option.

Not to be confused with a Portable Hoist like the Monarch, the OT200R requires detaching from the track without tools by an estates or maintenance person. It is designed to function exactly as a Permanent Hoist, on a fixed track, with the ability to be taken off and potentially relocated to another track system or put away until it is needed.

Ideal for Nursing and Care Homes or Guest Accommodation; where hoisting may be needed for one resident and not the next, so the hoist can be removed from the permanent track and stored. The OT200R provides total flexibility and a cost-effective for the Nursing Home, Residential Home and Hospice environments.

Track Configurations

The configurations for Ceiling Hoist Track can vary greatly depending on the needs of the user and what is hoping to be achieved.

An XY or H-System will offer full room coverage – future-proofing the room for any eventuality. For this reason, an XY works well for children or those with changing needs who require hoisting in a home and domestic location; as they grow the room layout and other equipment may adjust. As well as in domestic environments this is ideal in Hospitals and Hotels, where the layout may frequently be altered as occupants and their needs change.

Monorails or single track lengths are suited when a project is budget sensitive and straight-forward transfers from a bed to a chair are all that’s required. This would be appropriate for Nursing Homes and Hospital settings and would work well in conjunction with the Monarch Portable to share between several permanent tracks if transfers aren’t frequent. Monorail configurations can also be apt for Gait-training systems in Physiotherapy environments.

The OpeMed Track has industry leading advantages such as small radius on curves, unique turntables and fixing options.

Please remember every installation is different, the above are examples of the many options available.

*DISCLAIMER: For informative purposes only. Please always consult with your OpeMed Product Specialist when considering project fixings.